Bum La Pass, Arunachal Pradesh

Editor:-Likha Taje

Bum La Pass of Arunachal Pradesh

Bum La Pass is one of the Major Passes of India, which is loacyin Arunachal Pradesh. Bum La Pass is a border pass between Tinet's Cona County and Tawan district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. 

It is 37km away from Indian administered town of Tawang and 43 km away from China administered Tsona Dzong town in Tibet. This pass is currently serve as a trading point between Tawang and Tibet. 

This Pass is also an agreed border personnel meeting point for the security force of India and China.

Bum La Pass is also historical route for invade of china in India during 1962 war (1962 Sino-Indian War). 

In 2006, after 44  years, this pass was reopened for for first time for trading.


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